Mining Monitor for the Pool!
Pool information
- Pool Hashrate
- Current Effort
- Overall Effort
- Active Miners
- Found Blocks (+ Block History)
Your Stats
- Workers and Hashrate
- Unpaid and paid XMR balance
- Payments
- See your submitted shares
Network / Price
- Network Hashrate
- Price on different exchanges
Push Notifications
- Found Blocks
- Price
- Price of your Monero
Thank you for using this App & Pool! ❤
Monitor Pertambangan Pool!
maklumat Pool
- Hashrate Pool
- Usaha Semasa
- Usaha keseluruhan
- Miners Aktif
- Terdapat Blok (+ Sekat Sejarah)
Stats anda
- Pekerja dan Hashrate
- baki XMR tidak dibayar dan dibayar
- Pembayaran
- Lihat saham dikemukakan anda
Rangkaian / Harga
- Rangkaian Hashrate
- Harga di bursa yang berbeza
tolak Pemberitahuan
- Terdapat blok
- Harga
- Harga Monero anda
Terima kasih kerana menggunakan App & Pool ini! ❤